2500 HP Dragons
This post is in conversation with two spectacular blog posts discussing boss monsters, number crunching and making truly memorable encounters. ( One of them is even up for a Bloggie and you should definitely go vote for it >.> ) The gist of " A 16 HP Dragon " is: A boss doesn't need a lot of health to be scary. They can instead do a lot of damage (true, palpable damage like leveling cities or ripping apart limbs and equipment), uniquely affect the world and have such high armor that barely any mathematical damage truly touches them. The gist of " The 1 HP Dragon " is: It goes over making monsters more of a living breathing puzzle box that emphasizes conversation and problem solving over throwing numbers at the problem. (While talking about a really neat conversational system for doing so!~) Both of these are worth your time to read if you want to create monsters that feel like true threats to the world, and both of these work from a similar perspective o...